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There Are No Strangers cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-8671-5
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Jean (Price) Claridge,
    • Canadian music (& television) memoir,
    • The Courriers,
    • Blessings in Disguise,
    • We are Connected,
    • Time is Eternal,
    • Sixth Sense

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There Are No Strangers
by Jean Price Claridge

Do you have questions about Death and Dying? Why Are We Here? What is Time? Are there Angels? If so, I feel this book may help you find some of those answers. After an amazing healing when I was young, I began my quest to answer these and all of the ‘Big’ questions, in simpler non-scientific terms. After my humble beginnings in Toronto, I had many ‘message’ dreams guiding and protecting me through an adventurous life, working in Television broadcasting as singer, Jean Price, and later after marriage, behind the scenes in TV production as Jean Claridge (and also as an artist and photographer.) I had the pleasure of working on National News, The Nature of Things, Sports Specials such as The 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, Adrienne Clarkson Presents and many, many other wonderful TV shows. I mention some of them in this book.

Jean Price Claridge photo

As a young woman, I felt led to move to Ottawa, where doors mysteriously opened for me at just the right moment, to a world where famous celebrities became a normal part of my life, where I wined and dined in Embassy social settings, sometimes with world political leaders. While in Ottawa, I joined with the folk trio “The Courriers.” We recorded an album in New York and went on two tours performing throughout the USA. I speak in this book of our travels in the 1960’s through Alabama and New Orleans, during much racial tension. When I’ve told friends about the many adventures in my life and the lessons I’ve learned, they have urged me to write a book about it all. I hesitated for some years, because some chapters seem unbelievable, such as clairvoyance, but I assure you, it all really happened. I feel we are responsible and connected in some way to each other and all living things. Each of us, rich or poor becomes a teacher in some way if we take the time to listen. The obstacles in life become Blessings in Disguise. I hope this book will inspire you to be the best version of yourself and believe that anything is possible.


Jean Price Claridge

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