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Secrets of a Soldier cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-0367-2
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Canadian Expeditionary Forces,
    • World War One,
    • Battle of Vimy Ridge,
    • War Trauma,
    • Infidelity,
    • Betrayal,
    • Love

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Secrets of a Soldier
by Murray Dopking

Secrets of a Soldier explores the wartime history of one remarkable family through the dramatic story of Paul Bonenfant, a soldier in the Canadian Expeditionary Forces during World War One. Paul bravely serves in many brutal battles, including the battle of Vimy Ridge, and becomes a skilled and decorated war hero. He reconnects with his brother, Joey, who has become an influential military personage with shadowy connections to a powerful covert international organization and, on a brief leave, meets beautiful, adventurous Bea and falls in love with her. Paul and Bea get married despite the uncertainties of his life as a soldier and Paul finds strength in his love for her as he struggles through the hell of war. They welcome a baby girl and Paul’s happiness seems complete. Soon after, however, he is unexpectedly called to a dangerous top-secret mission that no one seems to think he’ll survive. He returns to a nightmare of betrayal and struggles with the aftermath of combat and painful upheavals in his relationships with those closest to him. Paul will carry the mental and emotional scars of battle for the rest of his life; must he suffer a similar fate with his family? Can he ever truly move on and find happiness and lasting love? This tale of bravery, honour, lies, lust, and deception conveys powerful messages about the power of love and hope in a wartime world gone mad.

Murray Dopking’s love of the written word and keen interest in history led him to this undertaking. He believes that all Canadians need to understand the great sacrifices made by ordinary men and women during the excruciating ordeal of the “war to end all wars.” Murray’s grandfather served in the CEF (Canadian Expeditionary Forces) during World War One. He survived over four years in the trenches and eventually made his way back home—an outcome for which Murray remains forever grateful. Murray lives in Edmonton, Alberta, with his wife of forty-five years and a special canine friend named Maggie, both of whom keep him grounded, humble and grateful. He tries to stay healthy and appreciate each day. He enjoys reading, writing, music, and interacting with the hardworking individuals who make up this great country. This is his first novel.


Murray Dopking

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