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Images from the Mirror of Reality cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-9454-3
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Poetry Sufism,
    • Poetry Christian,
    • Poetry inspirational,
    • Poetry mysticism,
    • Poetry spiritual,
    • Poetry reflections,
    • Poetry self-discovery

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Images from the Mirror of Reality
A Journey of Self-realization
by Nigel Hyatt

Humankind is the product of millions of years of evolution. The question is, has human evolution reached a peak, or can we develop even further? Many signposts indicate that the answer is yes, we can go further. While the bulk of human evolution has been a blind, unconscious process, rather than sit back and allow nature to take its course, it is time to take matters into our own hands and usher in the next stage of human progress. Thousands of individuals have attained this conscious evolution of the selfenlightenment over the centuries. Defying the conventional wisdom of scientists and those who hold to conventional forms of religion, these individuals have followed well-trodden paths toward illumination, proving that neither life nor nature can be bound by any scientific theory or religious dogma. This book is oriented toward those who count themselves among the free thinkers of the world, those who are willing to explore the reality of the unknown rather than deny the existence of regions of the mind, body, and spirit simply because they do not conform to preconceived ideas. This does not mean that our essence, our basic identity, has to be replaced or destroyed. Rather, it implies re-examining ourselves so that we are able to conceive of a universe that is infinitely more complex and varied than we have imagined. To this end, the book employs both poetry and discourses to awaken the dormant higher self. FURTHER EVOLUTION IS POSSIBLE, PROVIDED WE ARE WILLING TO EMBARK ON THE QUEST FOR truth

Nigel Hyatt photo

Although Nigel Hyatt, a retired chemical engineer, comes from a technological background, he has been a student of philosophy and religion in general and Sufism in particular for over fifty years. He believes strongly that life cannot and should not be dominated by mindless and blind acceptance of life as filtered through the conventional norms of society. Nigel fears we are guided excessively by the media, whose opinions can replace our own, and we fail to see that a universe of possibilities exists inside ourselves and within our universe that we need to explore. In the past, great teachers and spiritual guides have hinted that we need not imprison the psyche or deny the possibility of further personal evolution. Drawing on decades of study and personal experience, Nigel wrote the poems and discourses in this book to assist with this all-important task of self-discovery and spiritual emancipation, to help readers find a purpose beyond the stultifying nihilism of everyday existence.


Nigel Hyatt

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