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Dog Goes To The Moon cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-6863-6
    • epub, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • dog,
    • moon,
    • key,
    • adventure,
    • differences,
    • friends,
    • bullying

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Dog Goes To The Moon
from the Dog Has A Key series
by Debbie Green and Joey Green

Dog has a magic key, and when his boy Joe and Joe's Mom are sleeping, Dog sneaks out and has adventures. During his travels, Dog goes around the world, back in time and to the Moon! Dog always learns something new. Like most moms, Joe's Mom has no idea about Dog's magic and she always wakes up to find something 'odd' has happened to Dog while she has been sleeping. The 'Dog Has A Key' series of books for early childhood to early reader, are for fun, but they stem from a little boy's questions and observations of the world and his Dog's attempts to help him and his friends find answers and understanding. Each story has a 'Big Word' that we can learn from. 'Dog Goes To The Moon' is the first book in the ‘Dog Has A Key’ Series, and introduces us to Dog and his family. Dog uses his magic key to go to the Moon. Dog discovers how it feels to be treated unfairly because he is different. Can Dog overcome this problem and make friends with the Mood Dogs? The Big Word associated with this story is: Discrimination

“A+ FOR CREATIVITY! What an amazing way to help children express their emotions. I am looking forward to reading more of Dog’s adventures. As a parent and an educator this is definitely a book that I will always have on my shelf!” – Tricia Toscana, Educator –

Debbie Green photo

Inspired by Dog Green Dog is a Cavalier King Charles spaniel. When he is not having secret adventures at night, he is often found galloping around Central Park with his boy Joey. Ideas by Joey Green Joey is a scholar and an actor. When he’s not having fun learning and playing, he is often found galloping around Central Park with his Dog. Illustrated by Debbie Green Debbie is a writer and a mother. When she is not writing or cleaning, she is often found chasing around Central Park after her son Joey and his Dog.


Debbie Green
Joey Green

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