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Fur, Feathers and Fins cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-7629-7
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Pets,
    • dogs,
    • cats,
    • birds,
    • fish,
    • farm animals,
    • memories

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Fur, Feathers and Fins
Stories About Some Amazing Animals
by Flo Shaw

Through the years I have had the privilege of knowing some wonderful dogs and cats, bunnies and hamsters, goldfish, birds, cows, horses, ducks, chickens and pigs. This book started out as stories for my grandchildren, and when it was suggested that others might enjoy reading it the idea took hold, and 'Fur, Feathers and Fins' became a reality. All of the stories are true. Some may be hard to believe, some will make you laugh, while others may make you cry. If you've ever shared your life with a pet you know the joy they can bring to you, and if you've never had a pet, I hope you enjoy reading about mine. I have enjoyed writing about them, remembering each one, and shedding a few tears along the way. If you decide that you want to bring a fur friend into your family, please go to the local animal shelter and give a precious kitten, puppy, dog, or cat the forever home they so deserve.

Animals are amazing and whether they are beloved pets, barnyard animals, or animals living in the wilds they all have a story to tell. Sometimes the story is funny, sometimes it is sad, and sometimes their stories are so amazing that they are hard to believe.

I grew up in a small town in Saskatchewan, the middle child with a great love or animals. I married a farmer and together we raised four wonderful sons who blessed us with four lovely daughter-in-laws, thirteen grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren plus eight grand dogs. I live on the family farm and though I no longer have numerous pets, I have my grandchildren, great grandchildren, three dogs and the barn cats and kittens to brighten my days. I keep busy with my writing, crafts, keeping the cookie jars full and in the summer I have my flower garden to play in.


Flo Shaw

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