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Dream cover
  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-6280-1
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Christian allegory,
    • Christian fantasy,
    • religious fantasy,
    • religious allegory,
    • relationship with God,
    • faith,
    • dragons,

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A Call to the kNight
by LR Phillips

The Dragon looked through the window, its lips dripping with drool. She was becoming more its play-thing every day and she did not even know it… Wynne took one last look at the flat where her dreams with her husband, Vaughan, and her small son, Caedmon, were to have come true. “This is not my fault,” she told herself. Stiffening her back she took her son’s hand and left her husband’s home. She did not look back again… The Dragon spread its wings and flew off in the direction it knew the young woman was taking her son. Fatherlessness that was its goal and it had accomplished it once again. The small boy must never know of the unseen Lord’s love. It would make sure of that ~

LR Phillips grew up in northern British Columbia, Canada. Living on the farm, where life was simple and uncomplicated. Her and her husband, David, raised their three children on the family farm and remain there to this day. Life, in the North, can be harsh, but the neighbours are good and fellowship is sweet on a winter day or on a hot summer afternoon. Her story telling has been part of her entire life to entertain people of many ages.


LR Phillips
Tomas Krejcar

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