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A Fairy's Tale cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-6705-9
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-4602-6704-2
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Premium Color interior
    • 88 pages
  • Keywords
    • Daisy Flower Fairy,
    • Soul Journeys Series,
    • ground of being,
    • spiritual transformation,
    • the Oneness of All That Is,
    • Not-Yet-Visible-World,
    • Natural World

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A Fairy's Tale
Soul Journeys Series
by Fran Laurie Olsen

When a flower fairy, eager to experience as many emotions as possible, decides to switch places with a young human child whom she has come to love, nothing could have prepared her for what she would experience, being born of human parents and growing up in a world of straight lines and harsh corners ... of sorrow, grief, human ignorance, and even-more-human judgement. Although the memory of the fairy realm and her former life quickly fades, she never quite fits in, feeling a connection to the natural world that always sets her apart. With insight and wisdom born of that forgotten existence, she goes about the human business of growing up, getting married, and raising a family of her own–blissfully unaware of everything she had lost. And then, out of nowhere, a sentence pops into her head, fully formed, and everything changes: “I have lived most of my life as a flower fairy, a daisy flower fairy to be precise.” These words start it all in motion for Author Fran Laurie Olsen, bringing things back to the surface for her, and beginning a journey of self discovery that puts everything into a new perspective. Harmony and Creativity, Beauty and Love, Nature and the not-yet-visible world ... all these things and more are connected, and impacted by how we view them ... and how we view ourselves. Fran Laurie Olsen offers insights and guidance that will lighten your spirit, put you in touch with the natural word, and help you put all the pieces together in a way that finally makes sense, with her enchanting and insightful offering: Soul Journeys Series: A Fairy’s Tale.

How wonderful to have this gift from Fran Olsen that addresses so many weighty issues and problems with a bit of lightness and a lovely touch of fancy. May it bless you as you read, as it is blessing me each day as I read and re-read it...even...more...slowly. —Judith Duerk author of Circle of Stones and I Sit Listening to the Wind Olsen's life story and musings upon it, provide a treasure trove of inspiration and it encourages us to reflect on our own experiences and expand our perspectives on the meaning of life. —Dr. Mary Harsany, Psychologist, Co-President of the Montreal C.G. Jung Society. A Fairy's Tale is at once playful and profound; a mixture of personal story, reflection, wisdom, philosophy, and deep spiritual insights. —Rev. Sharon Moon, (United Church), author of The Healing Oasis and Returning to the Oasis: Guided Meditations for Body, Mind and Spirit Read this book. It will intrigue and fascinate you. The illustrations are well chosen and enhance the story. It will fill you with the intriguing possibilities of what you too could imagine and express. It challenges us to are a little. Try it and see. —Clare Hallward, Editor of David SteindlRast: Essentials Writings (2010) and former Chair and Board Member of the Thomas More Institute, Montreal. A tale that beautifully portrays the archetypal journey to wholeness - the quest to find the integral unity of our true nature. —Stephen Sims, author of River of Awareness and The Wisdom of Authenticity. *Postcards and quality reproductions of most of the illustrations may be purchased through the website:

Fran Laurie Olsen photo

Having worked for more than twenty years as a psychologist, teaching courses in Yoga/Meditation, Mediation, and Bereavement, and facilitating personal/spiritual growth workshops and retreats, Fran Laurie Olsen has spent her entire professional career helping people, and teaching them how to find their center and breathe through even the most trying circumstances. Nature has inspired Olsen, and her creative endeavours, since she was a young girl. Writing short stories and poetry, drawing, painting, and taking photos, she finally has the luxury of pursuing that inspiration full-time, and the perfect location in which to do so. Living right on the river outside of Montreal, in a house overlooking a wetland area with abundant wildlife, Olsen enjoys spending time with her husband (and their cat Theo), kayaking, birding, gardening, and communing with the natural world that surrounds them. To learn more go to: *Look for the soon to be published book of poems and images: Soul Journeys Series: Exploring the Depths


Fran Laurie Olsen

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