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A Fairy's Story cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-5754-8
    • epub, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Princess,
    • Fairy,
    • Secret Parentage,
    • Changeling,
    • Other Worlds,
    • Birthright,
    • Magic

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A Fairy's Story
by Iris Baker

It all began when 5 year old Claire asked her grandmother, Iris, to write a story about a fairy princess who does not know she is a fairy princess. Lili is a little fairy who has been chosen to be raised as a human so that she can help humans remember the fairies. She must not know that she is a fairy until the time is right. Dragons and crystals and other magical creatures come forward to play a part in helping Lili fulfill her mission of creating a bridge between humans and the fairy world.

Iris was a storyteller, a teacher, and most importantly a Grandmother who listened. So she rose to the challenge and wrote the story. Linnet had always had a great love for the invisible realms and the many facets of nature. She also had a passion for painting fairies and dragons. She delightedly agreed to provide the artwork. Gabriole’s love for crystals, books and art, and her experience as a graphic designer made her the obvious person to weave the elements of the book together. Combining the magic of technology with the intriguing story, the beauty of the illustrations and a whole lot of love, A Fairy’s Story has grown into a book to delight children of all ages.


Iris Baker
Linnet Kerr
Gabriole Springford

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