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The Fictional Family
The Families Meet
by Totty Jenkins

Our family is just like any other dysfunctional family. We moved from Baltimore to a small town in the middle of southern Florida. After we meet our new neighbors, we begin to wonder about our future. Life becomes a lot more interesting when we discover their secret. Everything you believe about this world and the way we live is about to be questioned. Wishes, dreams, we all have them but reality…what is that?

I started out growing up in the big city and move to a small southern town. I am known as the girl with two different colored eyes. I have been working with poetry since I’m 7. I am the oldest in my family and have four children of my own. In second grade, a teacher asked the class to make up a song. I enjoyed helping so much that I learned how to rhyme without her help. By the time I was 10, I was being asked by members of my family to write poems for them. It was my favorite past time until I was asked, why I don’t write a book. I thought they meant pages of poems until one night, I woke up out of a deep sleep with the name of a series to write. I even knew the titles of each book and wrote them down before going back to sleep. I have always been called a dreamer and this series is a fictional story that I read over and over with my family for fun. They convinced me to share it with others. I hope you enjoy it as much as us.


Totty Jenkins

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