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The Defining Line cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-6110-1
    • epub, mobi files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-4602-6109-5
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 552 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-4602-6108-8
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 552 pages
  • Keywords
    • University of Illinois Football,
    • All-American Football,
    • I-Man of the Year,
    • The Big Game,
    • Robert Zuppke,
    • Biographical Fiction,
    • 20th Century

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The Defining Line
by Barbra Burdett

The Defining Line takes you through the story of Charles “Chuck” Bennis’s Greek immigrant heritage, his childhood in Lincoln, Illinois, and his rise to All-American football player at the University of Illinois. Amidst stories of his first fight, his first love, and difficult moments that truly defined him, you follow Chuck through his struggles and successes in his college football career (which led to a role in the movie The Big Game), and you see Chuck transform to a courageous and compassionate man through glimpses of the other defining period of his life — serving in World War II.

“Reading this book, I am reminded of the works of Faulkner and Agee. I am now 90 and had 80 years of close acquaintance with the Bennis family and marveled at their manner of coping with challenges. In the later years of his life, Chuck Bennis asked me to assist him in writing his family’s story. Having neither the talent nor the time for this task, I referred him to Barb Burdett, who I have known since her childhood. I was intrigued with her rapport with people and her ability to express it. His answer was, ‘I don’t want any damn woman writing my book!’ But he soon saw his error and worked closely with her until his death 1-1 ½ years later. I am convinced that a wise and mature audience of people would be enchanted with Barbra’s work, if given a good chance to know of it.” -James Moriearty

Barbra Burdett photo

Barbra Burdett has a master’s degree in physical anthropology (biological and physiological) from the University of Illinois and a bachelors degree from Millikin University. The author has previously published a fiction novel titled “Possums Sing” and a number of papers and studies in her field of work. An avid researcher, she is currently working on another non-fiction novel.


Barbra Burdett

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