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Primus - One cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-4379-4
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Christmas,
    • Aliens,
    • Visitors,
    • Government,
    • Extrasensory,
    • Politics,
    • Religion

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Primus - One
by Joe D'Aulerio

A normal ordinary American citizen, Jim Lexington going about his now forced retirement is suddenly put into a position of disbelief and perplexity. Jim encounters a most unusual life form. With his new found friend, only visible to him with unbelievable abilities, Jim finds himself engaged with a childlike and innocent unusual living being and in peculiar situations. Jim then becomes the center of attention when a companion of his new friend arrives. Struggling to keep both out of the hands of the government and trying to show the world they mean no harm, Jim is then made aware of a deadly and dangerous derelict that would pass the solar system without harm until, that is, it is discovered by scientists. Not really knowing what they are dealing with and in an attempt to protect the earth, US and Russian governments, try to destroy what they think is an asteroid and end up altering the derelicts course placing the earth in lethal danger. Jim must now figure out a way to deal with the derelict that ultimately places him in grave peril.

Joe D'Aulerio photo

Inspired by Clive Cussler, Joe D’Aulerio intends for his début release, Primus-One, to be the beginning of an eye opening epic series of intrigue and adventure. A former KSC Support Test Manager, Joe currently resides with his wife in Central Florida.


Joe D'Aulerio

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