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Peppi from a Dead End cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-3763-2
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Eastern Europe,
    • World War II,
    • orphan,
    • success,
    • banking,
    • tennis,
    • memoir

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Peppi from a Dead End
Breaking Barriers
by J.J. Jabczynski

"...I was surrounded by all seven, and each lashed me with a leather rein. In pain, I managed to run away across the fields, into a slightly elevated area. A German family washed my bleeding feet, bandaged the wounds, offered scramble eggs mixed with freshly picked chanterelle mushrooms, and took me to the police station in town. I promised myself that as a forest ranger, one day I will come back, not with an offer of chocolates, but with a fully loaded rifle. Only Peter and all the animals will be spared ..." This is a story of a boy who grew up on the streets of Vienna, in a Polish orphanage and in the home of a dictatorial foster mother who wanted him to become an expert metal turner. After reading an essay about a safari in Kenya, he decided to escape his cage to study languages and journalism at the local university. Later, he dreamed of moving to America. When he arrived, he noticed that everything is bigger; cars, buildings, people, portions, and smiles.

J.J. Jabczynski photo

J.J. Jabczynski heralds from the American West Coast but enjoyed travelling broadly, including visits to Vienna, Poland, Jersey Island, Japan, Nigeria, Masai Mara, Lahore, and recently California. He is a self-proclaimed adventurer who chose to battle the winding roads and dead-end of uncertainties. Currently, he channels his excess energy into wrangling with his two sons and writing stories. He lives with his wife and two sons in California.


J.J. Jabczynski

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