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Diamonds in the Ruff cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-3750-2
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Dogs,
    • miniature pinscher,
    • border collie,
    • dog lovers,
    • dog training,
    • Chihuahuas,
    • puppies

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Diamonds in the Ruff
by Wanda L. Johnson

“If you’re expecting a manual on how to raise the perfect well-adjusted pack member, may I refer you to anything by Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer, because - believe me - this isn’t it!” And with that confession, Johnson embarks on a hilarious chronicle of the intricacies and challenges of being a multiple pet owner. Trying to balance the demands of a bellicose bitch, a diminutive diva, a compulsively eating min-pin, and a differently-abled Chihuahua results in occasional hysterics and frequent hilarity in this series of tales about woman’s best friend, which will delight dog-lovers and those superior I-wouldn’t-own-a-pet-if-my-life-depended-on-it people alike.

Facebook will only let me "like" this once, but it certainly warrants many more! Best of luck; I'm sure many of us plan on following suit because of your classes." - Jordan Volker (former student and future published writer) I fondly recall you reading our class one of your short stories about your dogs. It was called "Dog-Gone Alley." I really enjoyed it! Best of luck in this new endeavour! - Robyn Termeer (former student and renowned artist) Awesome!!! - Sean Coogan (nephew and fellow published writer) Good luck! I still remember the great stories in English like they were yesterday. - Leigh Letourneau (former student) Short stories? Rescued puppies? Mark me down for an autographed copy ... it will look GREAT in my library. (You are not going to spell check/re-punctuate this comment? Are you?) - Robyn Kozie (lovingly eccentric friend) EXCELLENT! - Phyllis Lindgren (unbiased cousin) I would like to officially pre-order a copy. - Kristain Tarita (former student and reluctant writer) Witty, insightful and often laugh-out-loud funny, this heartfelt dog memoir will keep you captivated. - Barbara Brunner (Award winning author of Dogma, The Zen of Slobber)

Wanda L. Johnson photo

A recently retired English teacher, Wanda Johnson is putting her money where her mouth has been for many decades of teaching sometimes reluctant writers in high school. “Writing is FUN!” she would insist to her skeptical students, and to prove it she has compiled a series of hilarious misadventures with her myriad pets. When not pursuing her not-so-new passion for writing, she is kept busy by her five dogs, two cats, two granddaughters, and one necessarily patient and supportive husband.


Wanda L. Johnson

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