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Ayurveda to the Rescue
An Ancient Remedy for Modern Ailments
by Renu Chaudhary

We are the microcosmic reflection of the macrocosmic universe. Just as a seed carries within it a blueprint for its own replication, we carry cosmic answers within us about our own potential. A centuries-old collection of wisdom, Ayurveda seeks to turn our attention to our inner intelligence for a total health solution comprising strength in the body, clarity in the mind, and freedom of the spirit. This is Ayurveda for the modern world: a simple, clear and meticulously accurate science, philosophy and spirituality all blended into one. It is time to get back to the basics of living life aligned with nature. By using Ayurveda's simple methods, we can take our total well being into our own hands.

"I highly recommend this book as a daily read for the enhancement of an individual’s nutritional health. This book helps to understand ‘who I am' and how can I get to know myself in the mind, body and spirit." Dr. Verandra P. Jivan M.D. "Ayurveda to the Rescue, is an in-depth examination of Ayurveda, an ancient science and Complete Wellness System around healing and staying healthy. Covering both the theoretical and practical aspects of this ancient wisdom, this book makes a comprehensive guide for the beginner wishing to learn about Ayurveda." E. Siegel, Writer/Editor/ Researcher "It will add years to my life and life to my years and I bless that it will do the same to many others around the globe!" Raju Ramanathan P.Eng Voting member, US Technical Advisory Group to ISO / TC 176

Renu Chaudhary has a Bachelor of Sciences degree, and is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner CAP, a Registered Naturotherapy Practitioner RNP, as well as a Certified Cupping Therapist CCT. She teaches and practices Ayurveda with a specialty in Ayurvedic nutrition via SohamWellnessPlace in Toronto, Canada. For more information, visit her website at:


Renu Chaudhary
Socrates Genes
Dr. Vasant Lad, The Ayurvedic Institute

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