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In the rising mist cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-3203-3
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • nature,
    • India,
    • people,
    • seasons,
    • time of day,
    • birds,
    • flowers

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In the rising mist
by Kamal Parmar

Kamal has crafted verses of beauty, life and childhood memories of India. Her verses reflect a poet’s delight in seeing beauty all around us, in self-reflection and quiet appreciation. Her verses speak of her acute observation, sensuousness and an innate sense of being ‘in sync’ with nature. The book aptly titled, "In the rising mist”, highlights her renditions of seasonal changes as well as touches upon the finer nuances of life in India with fondness. Wisdom and naïvete’, twinned with nostalgia are juxtaposed to add to the complexity of thoughts and feelings that swell this volume so full of meaning.

This would appear on the page after the copyright page. Your life is truly your life…it belongs to you. It is your story to write with love. Day by day, line by line, write it well. --Lance Wubbels. "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."--Confucius

Kamal Parmar was born in India and has been passionately involved in writing since high school and University years. Her genre is poetry and creative non-fiction and she dabbles frequently with Haiku poetry. Her poems are simple, though poised and evocative enough to set the reader thinking. She has a few books published in UK and India and many publications in reputed US and Canadian literary journals and anthologies.


Kamal Parmar

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