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Triumph Over Tragedy cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-2244-7
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Decades of torture and abuse

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Triumph Over Tragedy
by C. S. Sheehan

The book is a true story about a lack of justice in America. It was incomprehensible to Carol how evilness was born and how it continued to flourish. She couldn’t acclimate herself to such a harsh, corrupt environment and fight corruption with corruption, so she gained the endurance to fight injustice with the truth, for the truth was her salvation to freedom in an insane world.

It would great if there was a religion based upon the truth of humanity's existence, where secrets were no longer hidden and human beings could see beyond the veil of darkness that has blanketed planet Earth for millennium.

Triumph Over Tragedy is an autobiography and gives a thorough description about the author. It details her entire life of tragedy and how she triumphed over the incredible odds.


C. S. Sheehan

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