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Dark Horse Spirit: Beyond Redemption cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-3430-3
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Accident,
    • Afterlife,
    • God,
    • Grief,
    • Horse(s),
    • Love,
    • Spirituality

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Dark Horse Spirit: Beyond Redemption
by Margaret E. Johnson

Injured while working with her young quarter horse, Jeannie is thrust precipitously into a fantastic world of spirit and light. No longer bound by the dictates of the physical world, she finds herself navigating a landscape both astoundingly beautiful - and fraught with excruciatingly painful challenges. Memories of her life taunt her as she maneuvers through an unfamiliar landscape. Lingering insecurities bedevil her. Precariously grasping at long-held religious convictions while examining her own shortcomings, she wonders if her journey will lead her to paradise, or if she is truly ‘Beyond Redemption.’

"I went through a near death experience. It was really beautiful. The only hard part was when God sent me back to be with the living. Now I know… dying is easy; living is hard! Dying was just like falling into a beautiful, deep sleep into the arms of love. But coming back to a cold world filled with pain and frustration was tough” Sue Wood, Nov. 30, 2012.

The author was born on an American Naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. She has lived in Massachusetts, Maine, Colorado, Nevada and California, and is currently residing in rural northern California. As a child and young teen, the author climbed mountains with an uncle who was subsequently killed in a fall in the Yukon. A few weeks later, he appeared to reassure her of his wellbeing and continued existence. Others who have experienced near death give vivid descriptions of their transition. “I went through a near death experience. It was really beautiful. The only hard part was when God sent me back to be with the living. Now I know… dying is easy; living is hard!” Sue Wood For more “Dark Horse Spirit: Beyond Redemption” visit


Margaret E. Johnson

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