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Minnie’s Mysteries cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-1512-8
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Scotland,
    • Newly weds,
    • Canada,
    • ocean liner,
    • mysteries,
    • thefts,
    • skirmishes

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Minnie’s Mysteries
The Voyage
by Bonnie J. Jackson

James and Minnie face numerous challenges as they set out from their small village in Scotland to take on the task of homesteading on the Canadian Prairies. On board the ship they are subjected to many mishaps that cause Minnie to second guess their decision to leave the comforts of home and family. Fortunately, they are befriended by others who, facing uncertain futures in Europe, are in similar situations. They share mutual uncertainties that enable them to gain strength and reassurance from each other. While some incidents are based on fact, others are included to add to the novel’s uniqueness.

Bonnie J. Jackson photo

Bonnie had grandparents that emigrated to Canada during the influx of immigrants in the early 1900’s. These many new Canadians arrived desiring to take advantage of the homesteading opportunities on the Canadian Prairies. She is very interested in Canadian history and those pioneers who helped shape our Canadian landscape. Being a student of history and a teacher contributed to her to desire to write a book depicting challenges, both psychological and real, that those brave immigrants endured as they set out to establish their homes. Bonnie resides in Langley, B.C. with her husband, Barry and two border collies, Sami and Lui. They have four married children and fifteen grandchildren all of whom are a very important part of their lives.


Bonnie J. Jackson

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