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An Inklings Weave
A Way to Understanding
by Neith Arrow

Truth can only be spoken by Truth. There is no other way to say It. Like wise does This Book speak for Itself with flowing Words warmed up to paint vivid pictures as in a Dream giving one the extrasensory experiences of seeing as no-seeing and doing as no-doing. So exposed to the shadowy light of ones own sublime Theme does the novel Kind sprout up as a Visionary show and tell to demonstrate who You are. Yes, you as the well fed of fantasy, fiction and self-help yet still hungry and sweating it out for Allegory and Metaphor’s rich return. And the You standing upon your formative plateau with nothing above and nothing below faced out in the apocalyptic view of I Just Know There Is More Here Than Meets the Eye. And are you ready to take the leap to greet It. yoo hoo...

“ Neith. Your words are excellent.” “…practically unintelligible.” “Brilliant.”

Neith Arrow photo

Neith Arrow is a visionary writer and practicing sheman of the Diaspora poking the flickering sparks of the eternal flame into Nights sky that one might see their own twinkling brilliance.


Neith Arrow

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