Social Science, Customs & Traditions
Wheel of Life
by Roger L. Rondeau
Wheel of Life is an adventure novel that comes in many forms. It travels through time from the mid-1600s until today. It depicts a clan immigrating from Normandy, France to the New World in Canada. Then after being deported moving along the...
A Witches' Canon Part 3
The Nice and Naughty of Operative Witchcraft by Roy H. Blunden
An Exploration of the Magic Rites and Practices of Traditional Witchcraft, both Past and Present, Nice and Naughty. The truth is, Magic is the stuff of Witchcraft; the very life-blood that gives vibrancy in all its other aspects. We are all born...
A Witches' Canon Part 2
The Adventure & Exploration of Coven Witchcraft by Roy H. Blunden
An Exploration of the Traditional Witchcraft Coven, its Organization and Rituals, including Initiations, Rites of Passage, Magical and Social practices. The truth is, “Old” Gerald B. Gardner had little interest in how the Traditional Witchcraft...
A Witches' Canon
Part 1. The Mystery and Symbolism of Celebratory Witchcraft by Roy H. Blunden
Traditional Witchcraft and an Exploration of Its Magical Techniques, Rites and Symbols. The truth is, Witchcraft never altogether went away. The old Witchcraft was driven deep into the shadows only to emerge again as a vibrant, nature-based...
Wedding Wisdom
A Practical Guide to Personalizing Your Wedding by Doreen Wuckert
From “Red Shag Carpet” to “Love During COVID-19", 26 surprising, tense, tear jerking or quirky anecdotes are found throughout this informative practical guide on personalizing, planning and performing weddings. Doreen Wuckert offers thorough step...
The Life Of An Enigma
A Biographical Account of the Life and the Times of John Okogun Omovuon of Ewohimi (Ebhokimi), Nigeria by Joseph I Okogun
The Life of an Enigma is an engaging read about an interesting and memorable life lived under uniquely challenging surroundings and times. The book is also an anthropological, sociological, and religious inquiry into the cultures and traditions...
Chandkoor's Journey
by Uta Sojat
During a trip to India, retiree Annie and her friend Leila hire Amarnath as their driver in Rajasthan. Having fallen in love with India's colours, aromas, sights, sounds, and people, the friends return for another vacation. This time, Annie's and...
Of mörg gæludýr
Saga um Eddu Melkorku og lýsnar by Catherine Wayne
Edda Melkorka er ung stúlka sem býr á Íslandi. Edda talar bæði íslensku og ensku (og blandar þeim stundum saman) og hún umgengst reglulega fólk af margvíslegum uppruna. Hún er alin upp við bæði evrópska og norður-ameríska siði og hefðir, svo hún...