Self-Help, Personal Growth
Life of Papa
A Self-Help Memoir by Brian Douglas Crookes
Papa always said if you work hard for something, it’s going to feel so rewarding to succeed—and now he wants to share his insights into how to live a successful life with the next generation. In Life of Papa, Brian Douglas Crookes—“Papa”—brings...
The WOW Book
Ways of Optimizing Well-Being by Carla LaBella
In her debut book, Carla LaBella invites you to explore the evolving field of positive psychology with her. She has mindfully contextualized this discussion, and written a book that is accessible and of interest to those both new to and familiar...
Living Life With Purpose
A Coach Approach with a Workbook by S. K. Dhillon
Life gets busy, and juggling conflicting responsibilities can be overwhelming. Whether you’re self-employed, an executive, a single parent, or even a young person just starting your life, there is so much to navigate. However, with the right...
What To Do When The Hard Work Stops Working by Gavin McHale
As a high performer, you know what you’re good at, whether it’s school, sport, business, or life. Driven by the need to win and love of success, you stick to what you’re good at, until suddenly it’s not enough. You’re not enough. When your go-to...
The Three Mantras
For Removing Fear and Anxiety from your Life by Paul Hughes
To anyone who has trudged through spiritual books and listened to endless self-help podcasts, Nearly gone broke attending woo-woo meditation seminars in faraway lands, Puked, then hallucinated for twelve hours hoping to change the memories of...
Body Wisdom
How to stop the cycle of dieting, fall in love with your body and find your healthy set point by Lisa Glazebrook
Are you ready to give up calorie counting, punishing restrictive diets, and rigorous exercise programs? Body Wisdom aims to help you heal the root causes of your desire to diet and change your body shape or size. It is a roadmap to moving beyond...
Your Financial Constitution
A Decision Making Framework to Build Your Fortune by Gennaro De Luca
New to making money? Wondering how to achieve financial independence? As with any great voyage, it’s about the journey—not the destination. From Gennaro De Luca—Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) and personal finance expert—Your Financial...
Create Awesome
Journaling Your Way to an Intentional Life by Douglas W. Bundock
In Create Awesome: Journaling Your Way to an Intentional Life, Douglas Bundock guides readers on how to journal their way to an intentional life, creating awesome in their everyday lives. The book is divided into eight chapters, each dedicated to...
Fuel for Contemplation
by Fran Janes
In this third book in the Self-Empowerment for all Ages series, the concepts of Intention, Contemplation, Equanimity, and Intuition are introduced. The first book was for children, the second for teens, and Fuel For Contemplation is appropriate...
Rainbows in the Night
Poems by Alene Sen
rainbows in the night is a collection of poems and original photographs about loss and healing. these poems ask us to be still to tune into the body in search of new understandings of self and worth to trust in the journey. it gathers its readers...