Religion, Christian Church, Growth
It Works for Us
Exploring Best Practices in Partially Funded Ministry by I. Ross Bartlett
Is your congregation shrinking? Is the church building showing its age? Are you struggling to fill committee slots? Are you unable to offer quality programming? Can you no longer fund a full-time minister? Are you feeling tired, depressed, or...
Spiritual Transformation
The Salvation of Miss Enid and the Bad Man Brigo by Dennis Marshall
This book is about spiritual transformation: it tells the story of the salvation experiences of its main characters: Miss Enid and the bad man Brigo - a compelling argument for the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to transform lives for the...
Fivefold Apostle Church Building
New Testament Church Building by John DeVries
Fivefold Church Fishing: If fivefold ministry were compared to fishing, their different strengths are used as a team. The apostle would acquire the boat, net, and team to catch and process the fish. The prophet would seek Holy Spirit direction,...
In the Way of Jesus
by Paul D. Kroeker
A revolutionary love movement is circling the globe. Broken lives are being transformed and the love of Jesus is being gossiped into the most remote regions of the planet. However, in the West, the church is in decline. The brand image is broken....
A Bold New Foundation for Christianity
Near-Death and God-Story Experiences Show God Working in Our Lives by Charles R. Bond
MODERN EVENTS CHALLENGE RELIGIOUS WORLD UNDERSTANDINGS Mr. Bond, as a scientist outside the religious establishment, and not subject to its conforming pressures, dares to address today’s several internet collections of supernatural experiences....