Religion, Christian Living, Prayer
The Power of Prayer
Uniting Generations through Scripture by Amelia Meli Cantu and Amelia G. Cantu
This book came out of the author’s daily time of prayer and discussion with her mother. Written in both English and Spanish, this devotional encourages the reader to turn to Scripture for support and encouragement during any situation in life, be...
Jesus Where to begin
A Workbook/Journal by Terri Lynn Godwin
Are you looking for a deeper, more meaningful walk with Jesus? Are you living in guilt, fear, or shame? Are you a new Christian in need of guidance in establishing a meaningful devotional practice? Jesus Where to Begin will help you cultivate a...
Under His Divine Gaze
A Spiritual Memoir by Monique Pilon-Fraschetti
On a quest to find a resolution to her physical illnesses, Monique Pilon-Fraschetti travels to Rome and Madrid to consult with specialists. She embarks on a sacred journey in search of healing and experiences a miraculous event while on a...
Who Is This God
A Journey of Faith by Wayne J. Coleman
The Bible tells us God is loving and kind. He sent his only Son, Jesus, to save the world from sin. But is God really loving and kind? How do we understand the seeming cruelty of God, who asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac? How do we...
Inside the Veil
Incense to Prayer by H. Jeff W. Linton
A rich mystery just waiting to be unravelled by prayerful disciples of Christ, the Word of God, contained in the scriptures, comes alive in Inside the Veil. Author Jeff Linton introduces the idea that God, the author of scripture, has used the...
Journals of Victory
Following God's Vision for My Life by Betty Charles
What do you do when you receive a vision from God, telling you to build a church? Eighteen years ago, Betty Charles received such a vision. She was a new believer, and the vision seemed impossible. In her search for answers to her many questions...
Building a Purposeful Relationship between Abba and Yourself by Reverend Sharon Dunn
I hope this book ignites your fire for God and empowers you. Many believers have had their faith tested and give up when they can’t see answers to their prayers. Some feel abandoned, isolated, and ignored by God. Some even question God’s...
Mi Eternidad Luce Incluyendo Cristo
Devocional de 30 dias Meli.C by Amelia Meli Cantu
Todo el mundo pasa por momentos difíciles en la vida. La decepción, el dolor y los factores estresantes diarios son realidades en la vida de muchas mujeres hoy en día. Puede sentir que no hay salida, o que está desesperada, sin esperanza a la...
My Eternal Life in Christ
A 30 day devotional by Meli.C by Amelia Meli Cantu
Everyone goes through difficult times in life. Disappointment, sorrow, and daily stressors are realities in the lives of many women today. You may feel like there's no way out, or that you're driven to despair, with no hope in sight. The good...
Bedtime Prayers for Life
by Clemmie A. Scott Jr. and Clemmie A. Scott Jr.
Over the past 30 years I have observed many Christian believers being assaulted by forces that were obviously evil such as, marriage conflicts, teenage children going astray, health troubles, financial troubles, relationship troubles, church...