Psychology, Psychotherapy
Your Most Difficult Child
A Personal Journey Through Caring for our Children by Toghra GhaemMaghami
Personal growth is key in the achievement of happiness and for a sense of mastery in one’s own life despite inevitable adversarial situations. Your Most Difficult Child taps into the most enduring human relationship—a parent’s love for a child....
A Therapist's Guide To Treating Bipolar Disorder With Hypnosis
An Introduction to Environmental Stress-Targeted Therapy by Meera Duncan
A new and effective psychotherapeutic treatment for persons affected by Bipolar I and Bipolar II Disorder is now available for therapists to put into practice. Clinical Hypnotherapist Meera Duncan has developed Environmental Stress-Targeted...
Psychiatry Declining
Myths, Neuroscience and the Loss of Self by Simon A. Brooks
People suffering from mental illnesses are among the most vulnerable of our society’s unfortunates. They deserve our support and care. While the clinical care they receive from front-line psychiatrists and other clinicians is generally good in...
Tuning the Eardrums
Listening as a Mindful Practice by Gary Diggins
Tuning the Eardrums invites the reader to approach listening as an intentional act. Gary Diggins draws upon his background as a musician and therapist in order to help individuals become more present to the ever-shifting nature of sound, music,...
The Day I Reached My Tipping Point...
Compassion Fatigue and Educators by Daryl B Sutter
The target audience is education. The age range spans from new teachers in their twenties to veteran teachers. Teachers are found in every geographical region of the world. What they don’t realize, is that through policies, procedures, technology...
A Journey Towards Forgiving and Healing by Noah Mugenyi
At the heart of RESTORED - A journey towards Forgiving and Healing lies a twofold. A personal journey of lived experiences and a Mental health self-help resource for anyone, who is confronted with life’s greatest challenges; and seeking to...
Ghost in the Ranks
Forgotten Voices & Military Mental Health by John J. Whelan
Operational Stress Injuries and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are among the possible consequences facing members of the Canadian military. Unlike the potential physical consequences of dangerous deployments, psychological injuries are not...
The What and How of PTSD
Understanding and Moving Beyond by Céline Paris
"What is happening to me? Nothing feels the same. Why me? I used to be in control of my emotions and my life. I want it back." Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can happen to anyone, including the strongest and the bravest. It makes you feel...
Baby Steps
by John Rollo
When retiree John Rollo woke up from spinal surgery on June 21, 2013, he’d had calcium build-up removed and titanium rods inserted to stabilize his 6 foot 5 inch frame. The following morning he had a heart attack. On June 22, he was transferred...
Memoir of a Trance Therapist
Hypnosis and the Evocation of Human Potentials by Adam Crabtree
As individuals bring their raw potentials into existence, the human race evolves. Trance states are the means through which these transformations take place. Trances are concentrated states of engagement with the world. They occur frequently in...