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Art of Psychotherapy cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-831142-9
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-831140-5
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 90 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-831141-2
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 90 pages
  • Keywords
    • Psychologist,
    • Therapy Methods,
    • Psychological assessment,
    • Clinician tools,
    • therapist-client relation,
    • psychological approaches,
    • therapeutic alliance

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Art of Psychotherapy
A Clinical Psychologist's Guide
by Ann Gamsa

The Art of Psychotherapy: A Clinical Psychologist's Guide examines the creative, nuanced, multi-faceted, human side of psychotherapy that can be the difference between a therapy being beneficial or not. Using information from current research and case studies and techniques from her over thirty years as a clinical psychologist, Gamsa makes a strong case for psychotherapy being a “dance” with the client: once the therapist masters the dance steps (theory-based practices), they can improvise and respond to the leads provided by their partner (client). To support this “dance”, The Art of Psychotherapy covers important topics such as communication skills, building a therapeutic alliance, and understanding a client’s defences. In addition, this guide offers useful tools such as templates for an initial assessment and tracking therapy goals, as well as specific examples of imagery that can be used in therapy to better connect with the client. Both insightful and practical, this book is a powerful resource for psychologists in training, new therapists beginning their practice, and the more experienced therapist looking to fine tune their skills and optimize their practice.

Ann Gamsa, PhD, has over three decades of experience in psychotherapy, both in private practice and at a multidisciplinary pain clinic. She counsels both individuals and couples. In addition, Gamsa has taught psychology at the college level and shared her skills with many psychology interns and psychiatry residents in training. Underpinning her practice is the belief that each client should be seen as a unique, multidimensional individual and treated with compassion and respect. In addition, to her professional practice, Gamsa enjoys writing and is an active member of a Writers’ Group, and also at the Westmount Psychology Centre in Montreal. She has been short listed in both poetry and short story contests and published Shmurky Shamoys, a children’s book, in 2017. The Art of Psychotherapy is her first non-fiction book to be published.


Ann Gamsa

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