Medical, Psychiatry, Psychopharmacology
Christians, Depression, and Suicide
A Message of Hope From My Eight-Year Journey by Tony Fox
Christians, Depression, and Suicide chronicles the life of missionary Tony Fox, from his gospel-advancing work in Eastern Europe and China to eight years of debilitating major depression followed by his full recovery due to God’s grace and the...
Functional Medicine for Antidepressant Withdrawal
An integrative and Functional Medicine approach to the treatment and prevention of antidepressant withdrawal by James Greenblatt and Jennifer C. Dimino
Since the days of the “Psychopharm Revolution,” antidepressant medications such as SSRIs and SNRIs have been a foundation of modern psychiatric practice. Today, 40 million Americans take antidepressants, and global antidepressant prescribing is...
Psychiatry Declining
Myths, Neuroscience and the Loss of Self by Simon A. Brooks
People suffering from mental illnesses are among the most vulnerable of our society’s unfortunates. They deserve our support and care. While the clinical care they receive from front-line psychiatrists and other clinicians is generally good in...
Integrative Medicine for Alzheimer's
The Breakthrough Natural Treatment Plan That Prevents Alzheimer's Using Nutritional Lithium by James Greenblatt
A deadly neurological malady characterized by progressive and irreparable shrinking of brain tissue, Alzheimer’s disease causes declines in memory, social abilities, and communication skills that accelerate aging and eventually lead to death....