Juvenile Fiction, Cooking & Food
Cookies Everywhere!
by Monterey Coates
It is Macy’s birthday and all she wants is cookies. Cookies for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. Her mother warns her that she should have some vegetables too but agrees to order Macy cookies for her birthday. Macy is thrilled, and she’s...
The Pancake Kids
Introduction Story by Ellen C. Shivers and Carmella A. Shivers
Alkaline Vegan Pancake Ingredients 1 cup of spelt flour, 2-3 pinches of sea salt, 1 cap full of vanilla extract, ¼ cup of organic agave (sweetener), ¼ cup of seamoss (has 92 minerals the body needs and makes them light and fluffy), 1 cup of...
School Lunch
by Dorothy Griffiths, Jennifer Griffiths and Victoria Griffiths
Zack’s school lunches are always packed full of surprises. Usually—gulp—not good surprises. On Monday, his mom’s brain-boosting lunch makes his face turn green. On Tuesday, his dad’s body-boosting lunch gets him into trouble. On Wednesday, his...
by Rumana Selim
Baby learns mama's recipe for making tea through this poem. Mama's love for her baby, and the love for tea is interwoven through the different ingredients that go into the tea. The book also has interactive components for kids to color, and learn...
Mr. Banana Travels the Shelves
The Stickers by Natalya Filippova
Mr. Banana is at the store when a woman decides not to pick him because he is high in sugar. That makes him worried and curious—was she right? Is he an unhealthy snack? What if no one ever wants to buy him? This is how his journey around the...
Cake In the Night Sky
by Annie Vandenberg
Sibling squirrels Mia and Mo buzz with excitement when Granny tells them that the moon is made of cake. Hungry for a taste, they build a ladder to the sky. Each night, they climb up and up to feast on the moon. Until, on the fifteenth night, Mia...
Tea Time
by Karthica Tharmalingam
This is a story all about Veera and his perspective on tea time. Each evening, his parents—amma and appa—enjoy tea together. And when his relatives—mamma, mammi, and Anjali—visit, it becomes a tea party. Tea time is their time for family,...
Jam Spots
by JoAn Weissman
When Mammy sees that jam spots on the wall are attracting flies, she isn’t worried. She puts some honey on the doorstep to draw the flies away. But then Pappy comes…Oh no! Oh no! Now what are Mammy and Pappy going to do? Help can come in...
Kohkum's Kitchen
by Mark Thunderchild
In Kohkum’s kitchen the family is large, the stove is warm, and the stew is oh so good. But just what makes this special stew so delicious? Is it Kohkum’s recipes and knowledge, or Mushum’s traditionally hunted moose meat? The grandchildren all...
Blueberry Grunt
by Monique Holloway
It’s summer in Newfoundland, and Julia’s nana wants to make a blueberry grunt, so Julia and her poppy head out to pick wild blueberries. Julia is a bit confused. Do blueberries grunt? She remembers hearing a pig grunt at a farm, but a blueberry?...