History, Jewish
Ruta's Closet
by Keith Morgan and Ruth Kron Sigal
Ruta’s Closet tells the compelling Holocaust story of a Jewish family, imprisoned in the tiny Shavl ghetto in Lithuania. The Kron family survived the horror of the Nazi regime, thanks to the resourcefulness of Meyer and Gita Kron and the bravery...
Elusive Dreams
Letters to Zion by Ronnie Miller
In the 1920s, faced with the dire consequences of the Bolshevik takeover of their country, many Georgian Jews made the life-altering decision to leave their homeland, looking for a safe place to live and raise a family. This is a story of Jewish...
Who Would Believe Us?
A Memoir of a Jewish-American Family and the Holocaust by Grace G. Atwood
When the Rogaczewsky sisters crossed the Atlantic Ocean to Ellis Island in 1906, they were fleeing the horrors of the anti-Jewish pogroms in Poland that forced many people to take a chance on a new land. Their Rogaczewsky family members were not...
The Abe Bickman Family History by David M. Bickman
Shortly before his death, Abe Bickman (the "Patriarch") gave his son, David, his modest family archive. This archive comprised: an envelope, postmarked in 1948 and with a return address in Brazil, in which were contained several black & white...
Dreams of Re-Creation in Jamaica
The Holocaust, Internment, Jewish Refugees in Gibraltar Camp, Jamaican Jews and Sephardim by Diana Cooper-Clark
Diana Cooper-Clark has written a book that uncovers a ‘hidden’ history in the Holocaust narrative. The stories of seventeen Holocaust survivors who escaped to Jamaica and who are among the last eyewitnesses to the Shoah are inspiring. As well,...