Business & Economics, Decision-Making & Problem Solving
Leadership in Crisis and Crisis in Leadership
Lessons for Change & Opportunities to Improve by Dr. Ganesh Narine
When we hear the word “leadership,” we often associate it with the workplace, but some of the best examples of leadership can be found in the home or among loved ones. In Leadership in Crisis and Crisis in Leadership, Dr. Ganesh Narine delves...
13 Ways to Kill Your Community 2nd Edition
by Doug Griffiths and Kelly Clemmer
13 Ways to Kill Your Community is lively, full of personality, conversational, breezy, succinct, and fun. One can imagine readers seeking out information on boosting their local community sighing dutifully as they seek out material and then being...
The Basecamp Manifesto
How A Secure Base Can Save Your Life and Leadership In A Scrambled World by Terence C. Young
It is often said that it is lonely at the top. But this loneliness can be dangerous, not only to the leader but also to the led. It turns out we hold our environments as we are held. If we are not held in a caring and daring fashion, it shows up...
Translating Business Negotiations into Law
by Linda Frazer
In performing business negotiations, many of us find ourselves on shifting ground. Is it really tenable to call your lawyers every time you make a purchase or forge a new contract? And when something goes wrong, what resources do you have to fall...
Constructive Communication
Civil Dialogue by Charlie Young
Ideal for parents and teachers. Complementary supportive materials available upon request. "Constructive Communication Civil Dialogue" is a practical guide that is built on a life time of experiences confirmed by research. It is not just theory....
How to Collaborate
A Small Business Guide to Increase Profits, Build Relationships, and Stop Doing it All by Yourself by Tanya Fox
• Are you sure there’s more to your business, but you can’t quite find what’s missing? • Do you feel stuck in the day-to-day routine? Uninspired? Or discouraged with where you find your business self? • Do you feel overwhelmed or like you’re...
Hard Open
The Cost of Mistakes by Jeff Lewis
Do you have an idea for a business, but don’t know how to get started? Have you started a business, but have sort of lost your way? Has your business run into financial trouble? Are your business finances bleeding into your personal life? Hard...
Take Charge of the Future
Using the Power of Scenarios to Drive Strategy and Performance by Arden Brummell
Strategic planner and consultant Arden Brummell shares his wealth of experience about the scenarios-to-strategy planning process, weaving in his personal career journey with practical examples and insights. The process of creating scenarios and...
The Hands that Feed Us
Inside the World of International Agricultural Research - A Memoir by Gordon MacNeil
“Not many people can say they wouldn’t change anything in a career—but I can.” – Gordon MacNeil Gordon MacNeil has had an extensive fifty-year career in one of the largest foreign aid enterprises of the world, focusing on finance in international...
Vision Meets Execution
Mastering the Concept that will Drive your Business Success by Darryl Kenna
When Mark, a struggling small-business owner, hesitantly decides to meet an old friend of his father’s for a day of fishing and “business advice,” he doesn’t expect much. As far as he knows, his father has no real experience in business after...