Antiques & Collectibles
Cigar Box Lithographs Volume VI
Serenading America's Indigenous Peoples by Charles J. Humber
For close to a decade, Charlie Humber’s discovery and documentation of the forgotten stories hidden beneath century-old wooden cigar box lids continues. In 2018, the initial volume of his series, headlined Cigar Box Lithographs: The Inside...
Cigar Box Lithographs: Volume V
by Charles J. Humber
Cigar Box Lithographs Vol. 5 is a collection of stories from Canada’s past, which the author tells past using century-old cigar box lithographs as his guideposts. His collection of books, of which this is fifth in a series, pay homage to the...
Collecting and Studying Ship Portraits
by James Shuttleworth
Ship portraits include paintings, prints, and photographs. A ship portrait is often more than just an image of a vessel. This book focuses primarily on paintings and prints, discussing the content of a portrait and how to interpret the...
Clinking Outside the Box
The World in a Glass by Harry Drung
“There can be no good living where there is not good drinking.” Benjamin Franklin Proving the wisdom of Franklin’s adage, Harry Drung, a long-time executive in the international wine, beer, and spirits industry, takes the reader with him to many...
Cigar Box Lithographs Volume IV
by Charles J. Humber
Cigar Box Lithographs: Volume IV, written and compiled by Charles J. A. Humber, the fourth in a series showcases the author’s longtime passion for tobacco-related collectibles. Like the previous volumes, this beautifully illustrated book is a...
Cigar Box Lithographs Vol. 3
by Charles J. Humber
Collecting 100-year-old lithographs attached to the inside lids of wooden cigar boxes is a gratifying hobby. This Jack Minor cigar box imitates a log house, not the typical venue for cigar makers who made plane wooden boxes for their cigar...
Cigar Box Lithographs
Volume II by Charles J. Humber
Just as this publication was ready for the printer, a very rare cigar box was listed on an internet auction site. Recognizing its rarity and extraordinary appeal, a decision was made to bid on it with the hopes of purchasing it. As author, I won....
Cigar Box Lithographs
The Inside Stories Uncovered by Charles J. Humber
CIGAR BOX LITHOGRAPHS: The Inside Stories Uncovered is a thought-provoking production exposing its readership to more than 160 vintage cigar boxes manufactured during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Most convey stunning litho- graphs that...
Weaving Bateman Blend
My Own Journey by Margaret Franklin
"Weaving Bateman Blend, The Companion Book" is a "workshop to go"! The book is an Intermediate weaving resource emphasizing the role of ties and tie groups in weaving. It introduces Dr. William Bateman's weave systems, but zeroes in on one of...
The Princess Doll's Scrapbook
Her Families' Emigration/Immigration Story by Elaine Melby Ayre
“...imparts evanescent visions of oceans crossed and lands traversed from the late 1800s and grounds the reader to the present time. Beginning in Norway and culminating in Canada, a lovingly crafted outline of the author’s rich family history...”...