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The Trinity
The Indian, The Half Breed and The Other Guy
by C. Gerald Sutton

In 1967, three veterans’ lives are upturned when they learn that a Dutch woman named Sara is searching for her father, a Canadian Indian and WWII vet. She has reason to believe that her long-lost parent is either Laurent Courchene, a steadfast Métis activist; Albert Cardinal, a celebrated Indigenous soldier and chief; or Paul Rutherford, the enigmatic “other guy” with a hidden identity. As the three men rekindle their bond with each other and get to know Sara, new information threatens to rattle everything: a fourth candidate for paternity has been discovered. Clarence Osborne is an alcoholic living on the streets of Vancouver and the son of a street person named Mary. Sara is forced to confront the circumstances that led to Mary’s homelessness, the sordid treatment of First Nations peoples by the Canadian government, and how her own biases have shaped and controlled her identity. The Trinity: The Indian, The Half-Breed, and the Other Guy is a powerful, moving novel that examines truth and reconciliation from a Western Canadian historical context. It is a story of connection, resilience, and justice in the face of the enduring impact of Canada’s colonial legacy.

C. Gerald Sutton is the author of Trappers’ Rights in Alberta, Native Outreach (1980) and Aboriginal Rights in Dene Nation: the colony within, Watkins ed., University of Toronto Press (1977). He was the legal counsel for the Indian Brotherhood of the Northwest Territories in the 1970s. Sutton has had a lifelong ambition to write, but neither sufficient time nor opportunity to do so until his retirement. In his spare time, he relaxes with a little gardening. Sutton lives in Edmonton with his spouse, Lynn Fogwill.


C. Gerald Sutton

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