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I Donat
by Kofi-Kasha Makka-Abakan

I! Donat : Continues the tradition Y.S.H.D.A.N I Will Nevah Blackslide I Barbarian Vibes-eth in English Yardie (patois) Stylie Embrace I culture a'WOKE'nly {Worthy Of Kindness&Empathy} battah dung Instutionalized Race-I-sm DEMs PXKMs booklessly razê too US Downpressors 'atrocities' comitted upon Natives & Slavês Freedoom2Freedamn! Compensatory cheque U-Rope-Iron-I-zers BushWakkkers&Butchaslataras clamour for Financial losses aka I&I chattels I Donat: know Pusillanimous Xenophobes wuk wid Karens. TEDs I Bosses Race-I-sm. Diss'criminal-I-zation Prejud-I-ce. Profile-I-ng. Card-I-ng. 0-Tolerance-I-ng Genuine Friendship; keep I inspired Luving, caring family; keep I balance&stable Caregiver; reminder of I geriatricity; debt owe-ing on I death (mortality) Damned! DEMs PXKMs Fake ('Reality') News show I! One deggae-deggae Levin HannyNasty Phucker whose 'Pure Blue Eyed Alien White Blood cell' I Barbarian's black blood cell have Poisoned Hype-o-critters; Being angry&aggressive bcos ofa 'Just Cause' isa Anathema Black Thing Being euphori 'kkk'ally agitated passionate outpouring emotion 'only' of DEMs PXKMs 'Inalienable Right' 'White Privilege' to all inamorata ripe fruits I! Donat have eaten during I Inamorato sexxxcapade I!"Respectfully bow" Your s-w-e-e-t oxytocin juice's ever refreshing taste 'still lingers on'

I! Donat 'Honor Rebel ' Jamaican Trouble Maker like Ancestors, suffers Dysaesthesia aethopcia & Drapetomania favored chits says I! Donat s-w-e-e-t to the taste pleasurably funfilling, buta dirty, nasty poet whose words virtually&emotionally de-don chit's thong causing 'clit to mantrol' (spasm/in-spate) like when "Gully is turbulently violent" even when tis sh first Tsunamic climax. I! Donat no scion of noo 'Satan-ized Whitemon'


Kofi-Kasha Makka-Abakan

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