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Turnabout Spy cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-830256-4
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-830254-0
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 558 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-830255-7
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 558 pages
  • Keywords
    • first-century Israel,
    • Gospel stories,
    • Jesus of Nazareth,
    • early Christians,
    • Judaic traditions,
    • family and relationships,
    • religious faith

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Turnabout Spy
A Story of Intrigue in the Temple During the Time of Jesus
by Ruth Ellen Millard

Jannaeus is thrilled when men on the Great Sanhedrin send him to spy on a fanatical desert prophet, and then to investigate an unschooled Galilean who is challenging their two-thousand-year-old religious order. He is intrigued with what he observes concerning Jesus, but it doesn’t match with what he has been taught about the Messiah, nor does it impress the educated and elite in Jerusalem. They dismiss Jesus’ work as deception and trickery. Little does Jannaeus realize, that when he stumbles upon evidence of treachery at a high level, his life will be at risk. His turmoil intensifies as he has to juggle everything with his work in the family shipping business and his study to become a scribe. And if this isn’t enough, he is entangled in an ongoing personal struggle that is likely to lead him away from the girl he deeply loves and is expected to marry. Turnabout Spy is a piece of fiction that combines imagination, Gospel accounts, and historical events into an engaging and inspiring tale of espionage, suspense, love, politics, family relations, and biblical truth that holds attention from beginning to end.

"Saturated with linguistic and cultural details, Turnabout Spy is a historical novel in which a Jewish boy witnesses the ministry of Jesus and the ensuing political upheaval." ─Foreword Clarion Reviews

Ruth Ellen Millard photo

Ruth Ellen Millard is a lifelong music teacher who has also invested her time into writing narrations and plays, giving lectures, and preaching short sermons. She’s spent time in Trinidad and Tobago, and Malaysia teaching music and helping to develop music education programs. Ruth’s interest in the history surrounding Jesus led to the publication of this, her first novel. When she’s not writing novels, you can find her walking, gardening, cooking, and creating things in her woodworking shop. She’s also an amateur artist dabbling in palette knife oils, watercolor, and is learning to do marquetry with exotic wood. Ruth lives in Walla Walla, Washington, where she raises heirloom tomatoes, composes classical music, and creates computer programs to help her with mundane tasks like housekeeping.


Ruth Ellen Millard
Anne Hansen

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