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Money Tips for Kids cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-919674-2
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 42 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-919675-9
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 42 pages
  • Keywords
    • Financial literacy for kids,
    • Money management for kids,
    • Money advice for kids,
    • Investing for kids,
    • Teaching kids about money,
    • Kids and money,
    • Youth finance education

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Money Tips for Kids
by Alex Kulakov

Money isn’t just for grown-ups! Dive into Money Tips for Kids and discover the world of finance from a kid’s perspective. Alex Kulakov, a savvy 12-year-old, uses his real-world experiences—from running lemonade stands to launching a t-shirt business—to guide you through the ABCs of money. Ever wanted to buy that big toy or game but didn’t have enough? Or dreamt of running your own small business? Within these pages, you’ll find easy-to-follow tips on earning, saving, and even investing your money. Learn how to negotiate your allowance, set up a bank account, and make smart financial choices. Alex’s practical advice will give you the tools to manage your money and build a foundation for financial success. Kick off your financial adventure now and become the money whiz among your friends. Ready, set, save!

Alex Kulakov photo

Alex Kulakov is a 12-year-old kid from Toronto, who is passionate about finance. While the world of money is created by adults, for adults, Alex has cracked the code and knows how to navigate it. He’s inspired by his mom and co-author, Maria Salishcheva, a linguist, lawyer, and author behind the English for Babies series. Apart from being a money geek, Alex loves smashing tennis balls, zooming around on his bike, leveling up in video games, and exploring new places. Whether he’s serving an ace or giving money tips, Alex brings his A-game every time.


Alex Kulakov
Chad Thompson

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