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Faith in Doubt cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-919603-2
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-919601-8
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 390 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-919602-5
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 390 pages
  • Keywords
    • Science and faith,
    • spirituality and science,
    • faith and doubt,
    • church attendance,
    • faith in secularism,
    • atheism and faith,
    • new perspectives faith

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Faith in Doubt
How My Dog Made Me an Atheist and Atheism Made Me a Priest An Experiment in Faith
by Harold Munn

What happens when an atheist and a believer find themselves next door neighbours? What happens when religion finds itself in a culture of science and secularism? Could they hold hands? Could they fall in love? Faith in Doubt claims that churches speak about faith and God only from within the world view of an ancient culture—as foreign to modern people as Latin. No wonder there is a precipitous decline in church attendance. Faith in Doubt proposes that churches start a conversation with secularism by learning to speak of faith and God from within the assumptions of modern secular culture. Faith in Doubt explains how. Faith in Doubt follows John, a believer, and his neighbour Rosalind, an atheist professional scientist, through their budding romance as they undergo relationship conflicts paralleling their exploration of each other’s opposing views of religion. Can their relationship weather storms of break up, distrust, and deep pain at rejection? Will John and Rosalind—symbolizing faith and science—ever hold hands in a lasting, meaningful relationship? Faith in Doubt grounds the discussion with accounts of real incidents in the author’s own life as a child and later as a priest in urban, rural, and First Nations contexts. He experienced disbelief and strains in important relationships—unexpectedly finding those challenges to be sources of new life and joy. Readers, whether believers or not, may discover similar experiences happening in their own lives.

"What does it mean for the church to live in a cosmological age? The church needs to quit being so patriarchal and know-it-all, and to approach faith and conversations about things spiritual with a humble mindset and an inquiring mind. Dr. Munn calls us on a journey of discovery, insight, humility and wisdom." —Rev. Dr. Greg Mohr, Bishop (ret'd), Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada "Munn’s book appeals to me as two love stories—a quietly suspenseful romance between faithful and doubtful neighbours, and the intriguing evolution of Munn’s love for spirituality in science, and his scientific approach to spirituality. For me, Munn clarified the value of projections (spirits) as steps towards religions and scientists uniting in spirit." —Dr. Malcolm Maclure, ScD, epidemiologist, Dep’t of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of British Columbia "This beautiful book is NOT intended for those who consider themselves born again Christians or even Religious. In fact, it will likely be quite bothersome. But if you have ears to hear the desire of the writer, this book is powerful, important, and compassionate, especially for those who cannot, for many reasons, cross the chasm that Religion has quarried. This book is filled with faith, hope, and the greatest, love." —William Paul Young, author of The Shack

Harold Munn photo

Reverend Dr. Harold Munn, B.A., M.Div, D.Min, DD., has led congregations ranging from tiny churches in Canada’s far north to All Saints’ Cathedral in Edmonton, Alberta. He is an associate of the international Society for Ordained Scientists, and has received awards for his writing. In addition to the cross-cultural experience of being a priest in secular culture, Harold has lived in, or in close proximity to, many cross-cultural contexts, teaching science in East Africa; with miners in northern B.C.; with oppressed women in Edmonton’s inner city; with First Nations villages in the Yukon, on the Naas River, and on Vancouver Island; in Victoria addressing homelessness, addictions, and mental health issues; and in prisons outside Vancouver. He has been active in movements opposing nuclear war, supporting social justice, and urging action to address climate collapse. Rev. Munn lives on the campus of UBC, Vancouver, with his wife of fifty years. They have two adult sons and four grandchildren whom he claims can be scientifically proven to be the most delightful grandkids in the world.


Harold Munn
Lena Lenz

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