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South America by Motorcycle cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-831567-0
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-831565-6
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 372 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-831566-3
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Premium Color interior
    • 372 pages
  • Keywords
    • Motorcycle travel Americas,
    • Travel South America,
    • Road travel South America,
    • Adventure motorcycle travel,
    • Motorcycle adventure,
    • Motorcycle travel,
    • Motorcycle touring

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South America by Motorcycle
From Ottawa to Ushuaia
by Terrence Porter

After a health scare, Terrence and his wife Isabelle retired from teaching to travel the Americas on their two motorcycles; South America came first. They planned to ride from Ottawa, Canada to a port on the Antarctic Ocean called Ushuaia, the most southern city on Earth. Argentinians called it Fin Del Mundo, the End of the World. Their friends thought they were crazy, but their adult children called them badass. Once on the road, trepidation they felt about danger in faraway places melted, allowing their hearts to open for the awakening to come. Ride along with them as they embark on a fourteen-month motorcycle odyssey from Canada to the tip of Argentina. Twist the throttle with them up hair-pinned mountain roads, around volcanoes, across deserts, through thick jungles and amid urban mayhem. Overcoming adversities like broken bones and broken plans helped them discover the wonder, healing and kindness brought on by new friendships in distant lands. Mostly though, experience with Isabelle and Terrence the raw beauty of natural wonders and the personal connections they make along the way that help them to learn more about themselves, about each other and about what it means to be human.

TERRENCE PORTER is a musical performer, conductor and teacher who spent thirty years teaching high school music in Ottawa, Canada. Motorcycling and a love of geography in faraway places have been parts of Porter’s life since he was a teenager. He participates in a range of outdoor activities and has inspired his three children to love wilderness canoe tripping and other adventures in nature. Terrence Porter and his wife, Isabelle Brassard both continue to meet fascinating people while enjoying multi-month motorcycle journeys in distant lands.


Terrence Porter

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