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Return of the Wild cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-913802-5
    • epub, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Algonquin Park,
    • Camping,
    • Wilderness,
    • Parry Sound,
    • Muskoka,
    • Georgian Bay,
    • Northern Ontario

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Return of the Wild
by Daniel Hance Page

RETURN OF THE WILD is a story of people who journey to the Parry Sound, Muskoka and Algonquin Park regions where the wilderness takes some visitors to itself and reveals life beyond their wildest hopes and dreams. The spiritual presence in the wild emblazes a memory never to be forgotten.

Daniel Hance Page is a freelance writer with twenty-eight books published and others being written. The books are authentic stories filled with action, adventure, history and travel including Indigenous traditions and spiritual insights to protect our environment in the smallest park or widest wilderness.


Daniel Hance Page

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