eBook Edition
- 978-1-5255-8651-4
- pdf files
Paperback Edition
- 978-1-5255-8649-1
- 8.5 x 11.0 inches
- Black & White interior
- 92 pages
Hardcover Edition
- 978-1-5255-8650-7
- 8.5 x 11.0 inches
- Black & White interior
- 92 pages
- Keywords
- Jamaican Patois,
- Free verse poetry,
- Dream poetry,
- Memories,
- Real world issues,
- Love poetry,
- Honest verse
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I Barbarian Will Nevah Grovel
The Belt
Kofi Kasha Makka Abakan
Elegy for I Wayward Juvenile Delinquents unceremoniously T-a-k-e-n H-o-m-e by Reactionary Race-I-st Malison-ed Mercenary Murderous Beasts I Barbarian Solemnly In Solidarity In Remembrance For Theirs Bloods Shed, wear, splattered with red, this Black Rose May theirs; wandering, wondering, troubled brains N-efariously S-hattered I-n B-loody P-ieces May the remainder of theirs grave-ly remains finally and eternally R-est I-n O-ne P-lace To Babylondoom this “Criminal Record” widout reservation Honor Rebel Köfi Kasha Makka Abakan Proudly accept on behalf of all Barbarians Who “Assault With A Deadly Weapon” – The Belt to guide in the right direction their Juvenile Delinquent(s) today, still alive!!! Ptah Be Praised have changed their wayward ways I Barbarian In I’s culture I’s donat whimsically, or for ‘gamesmanship’ widout regard fi life; Eradicate, Exterminate, Execute I’s Offspring I’s Oldage Pension (IOIOP) I Barbarian: -vibes in standard dialect, yardie stylie patois – see glossary -is either or/neither nor “Fake Newz”; future, present, past, gone -is dream Prosetry, celebrating my (dydy) dilly young dally years I Barbarian ?eth Is Dundoiid Engineered Mutantoiid Pusillanimous Xenophobe KKKlansMan/Woman sooooo Race-I-st they ‘Christian’-inly believe, theirs; words, deeds, actions are not “Sinfully Evilus” I Barbarian Lament In Babylondoom civi*Lie*zation, the; shame, disgrace, scandals of their *Chump* ie a humanoid soo despicable, soo deplorable, soo rejected, soo despised noo esteem nor distinguished ‘Dearly Departed Loved One’ appreciates his eulogy neither wants him around or near their ‘Final Rites’ as they would truly love to ‘Rest In Peace’ I Barbarian Realizes -when ‘Strategy becomes Tragedy©’ tis time to ‘wheel n cum again’ Stalk Reality hits pussygrabbing rakehell when prudish tarty diva he’s been stalking, for sooo long (because he thinks he’s ½*) is not a; tender luving, warm Heat*her, just a pottymouth mule
-baan stalk naked and barefooted eena humble hovel ina ‘shithole’ dungle now reside ina concrete jungle, alongside; Rakehells, Pussygrabbers, Draftdodgers Taxevaders, other Vermin, maybe some ‘gud ppl’ on the whiteside of the ‘block n steel picket fence in Suburbanhood -from Cassia Gate, on Bethabara SugarLoaf SpicyMound PhantillandaFrontier MountJoy Steve took MilkRiver Bath joyride eena She healing stream, using Devon Prickly Pole as the ‘Rod Of Navigation’ entered NunsPen VirginValley HappyGrove, where he revel n wile, nostalgically Rock n Roll eena Mento, Calypso, Ska, Reggae, Rhythm n Blues stylie while his demented mind temporarily repose from the onslaught of the raining blows of the ‘Sycophantic Hostility n Brutality’ being; executed, administered, inflicted by Chickens, Barr None, most Infamous; despicable n deplorable, hateful n spiteful vicious n vindictive; Bigot, Fascist, Race-I-st Pole-I- Trick-al Narcissistic Anarchist and Scatölites-HaniNasty Phuckers
- Author
- Kofi Kasha Makka Abakan
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