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Brutus Nation 2 cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8084-0
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8083-3
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 174 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8082-6
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 174 pages
  • Keywords
    • Brutus Nation,
    • Thriller sequel,
    • Crime novel,
    • Organized crime,
    • Noir thriller,
    • Parallel world novel,
    • Conspiracy novel

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Brutus Nation 2
Hammer of the Hogs
by Kris Kyzer

“I saw an opening. A chance to go legit and make more money than we ever thought possible. All thanks to the unique brew that is Bronson-North. I saw this plump, juicy, succulent swine just begging to be slaughtered.” – Don Esteban Welcome back for another wild ride thru the slime & grime of the Athenian Union, where greed, corruption, and betrayal reign supreme and numerous other unpleasantries lurk behind the next corner. A freshly released convict doing the AUIM's bidding. A banker backing the score of the century. A drug lord hellbent on going legit. A race driver seemingly out of options. A team owner jonesing for a new stadium. What do they all have in common? They are sharpening their proverbial knives, hoping to carve out a delish piece of the Athenian hog for themselves. Witness their epic journey as they chase their schemes & dreams the only way they know how: with a combat shotgun in one hand and a highly caffeinated energy drink in the other.  Pandora's box has been reopened. They are coming for us all. Brutus Nation 2... time to reload.

Kris Kyzer photo

Had he been born 200 years earlier, author Kris Kyzer would likely have amassed an army of merciless mercenaries, taken over a small country, and established his own “Brutus Nation.” There, he would have dispensed all manner of pleasures to his subjects - and all sorts of cruelty to the enemies of his realm. But we live in different times so instead of all that jazz he writes books filled with ruthless hitmen, debased politicians, predatory moneymen, unhinged kingpins, unscrupulous cops - all chasing grand schemes and warped dreams in the slime and grime of the Athenian Union. Plus humor. You gotta have humor. Today, Kris spends his days in the Great White North, where he enjoys long walks on the beach and feeding his delusions of grandeur. Hail Kyzer!


Kris Kyzer

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