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So You Want To Run For Office cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-7241-8
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • political campaigns,
    • running for office,
    • political leadership,
    • public office,
    • election campaign,
    • mentoring others,
    • successful candidate

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So You Want To Run For Office
A Campaign Toolkit
by Carol Merton

This book is for adults considering a political career, interested in running for office or for those who are curious to learn how the entry into politics works. This book is written to provide useful practical information, wisdom, encouragement and inspiration for anyone seeking to run for public office written by someone who ran, first time, and succeeded. Consider this book as a starting point especially if you have never run for office before. There is never any guarantee that you will win when you decide to run in a political race however having a starting point, practical tips, hints and tools to guide you along the way is like an extra hand when you need one! We all begin the campaign trail hopeful for success and this book will help you be prepared as well. Running for public office is an amazing experience. Best wishes and good luck on your campaign journey!

Carol Merton photo

Carol Merton is a health care professional who has worked in a variety of management and leadership positions and has provided direct patient care throughout her career. She currently is a partner in a health care company and is a volunteer host and co-producer for a community television program that promotes services, programs and resources to connect home, community and health care. Recently, as a result of a desire to contribute more to the community, she decided to run for a Councillor position in a municipal election. With the guidance and support of a wonderful team she was successful in being elected and continues to enjoy the challenges presented in her first term in a political office.


Carol Merton
Robert Menzies

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