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Helen Hurts cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-911744-0
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-911742-6
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 32 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-911743-3
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 32 pages
  • Keywords
    • Calming techniques,
    • Children’s pain,
    • Emotional pain,
    • Imagination,
    • Healing,
    • Healthcare professionals guidance,
    • Pain management

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Helen Hurts
by Denise Fuchko and Keri Fuchko

Helen is a little girl who is experiencing physical and emotional pain. When she is in the hospital for an operation, the healthcare professionals help her manage her pain through a variety of approaches. But Helen still hurts! At home with her family, Helen explores many fun and creative ways to help ease her sensations of pain. As she internalizes the many strategies, she is able to help herself through this challenging time. This whimsically illustrated story engages children, as it teaches evidence-based pain management strategies that are useful for people of all ages.

"Helen’s journey with pain and healing is both relatable and reassuring. A captivating story that provides resources to children and parents alike about appropriate pain management." —Jenny Park, BSc, MPT “Helen Hurts is a creative, informative and beautifully illustrated book about a child that endures both physical and emotional pain. Written in child friendly language, it describes how Helen's support network helps her by caring for her and giving her strategies to heal. It is a topic that resonates with children as they are able to make many personal connections to Helen's story. I would highly recommend that children, families and teachers read this wonderful book.” —Julie Kinton, Teacher "Helen Hurts is an excellent way to introduce pain management techniques to young children . This engaging story and whimsical paintings helped my daughter learn how to manage pain. Her favourite was Helen blowing bubbles with her grandpa. I would highly recommend it to parents of preschoolers."  —Jean Buckler, PhD, Parent of Ellie

Denise Fuchko and Keri Fuchko photo

Denise wrote and illustrated this book in collaboration with her daughter Keri. Denise is a teacher who loves working with children with diverse needs and abilities. She has worked as a mentor in the university setting supporting teachers. On the weekends, you can find Denise on the field hockey pitch or painting in her kitchen. Keri is a physiotherapist and a clinical assistant professor at UBC in the school of medicine. Keri's clinical work specializes in chronic pain management. On the weekends, you can find Keri on the soccer field or hiking in the mountains of British Columbia. Helping people manage pain without medication is our goal in writing this story.


Denise Fuchko
Keri Fuchko

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