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Clover's Voice cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-4837-6
    • epub, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Bullying,
    • Children and bullying,
    • Bullying at school,
    • Elementary school,
    • Finding your voice,
    • Speaking up,
    • Saying no

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Clover's Voice
by Laura Pashayan

Clover’s Voice was written for children, particularly ages three to six, but any age could benefit from the message. Clover faces hardships at school because she looks different from the others. Clover is blue but the rest are yellow. As as result, she is subjected to bullying, and wants to speak up. The others talk about Clover and laugh. They make her feel down. As Clover contemplates standing up for herself, she opens her mouth and completely loses her voice. She cannot stand up for herself! Clover looks everywhere for her voice, as she believes it is a tangible object. She looks all over her house, and even looks in her little brother's room! She begins thinking, and soon realizes her voice is inside of her this whole time. Her, and everyone else’s voice, is in the form of courage, confidence, and inner strength. Unfortunately to some, that inner strength does not come easily. Clover has such a hard time standing up to her bullies because she is overcome with fear and anxiety. Clover teaches us that no one can stand up for yourself better than you can, all you have to do is believe. Even if it is hard to do, everyone has a voice and everyone can use it.

Laura Pashayan is a practicing Creative Arts Therapist currently working towards the completion of her second master’s degree in Art Education. In her free time, Laura loves working on art and is constantly creating. During the week, she teaches art to children. "I love getting a child’s perspective on things, it sheds a breathe of fresh air from this otherwise emotionally heavy world. My motivation in writing this book was to attempt to spread a positive message to as many children as possible."


Laura Pashayan

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