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Deadly Deceit cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-4503-0
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-4502-3
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 300 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-4501-6
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 300 pages
  • Keywords
    • Supernatural,
    • Female-driven,
    • African American,
    • Church life,
    • Romance,
    • Satan worship,
    • Curses

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Deadly Deceit
by Ruth Purnell-Wyatt

Sheba and Leah are embroiled in a supernatural conflict because Sheba is jealous of Leah's man and their affluent status in Chicago's black society. Both women are strong-willed intellectuals, clutching for wealth and prestige. Sheba is determined to have everything Leah has, including her man. In their religious world, the black church, supernatural conflicts are common, however, Sheba, a spiritualist, concludes that decency and fair play are to be damned. She is absolutely green with envy and hates Leah with a passion when she sees that Leah is a college graduate with a lucrative lifestyle. When the story begins Leah is a happy newlywed who is a successful stock broker in need of some spiritual guidance for a few minor problems she is experiencing. Leah joins Sheba's Bible study group. Immediately, Sheba sees Leah's affluence and wants to use her to attain the riches she has craved all of her life. Leah a willful, high achiever is clueless and finds herself in a pickle as she becomes entangled in a web of sorcery at Sheba's hands. That is, until Sheba over-reaches and becomes an outcast with her own devils, and Leah's own true grit, and spirit guides, prophetic dreams, set Leah free. This fiction is Romance/Paranormal novel that tells a tale of passion, suspense, and mystery, set in Chicago during the 1970s. Deadly Deceit is a captivating tale designed to taunt the senses.

Ruth Purnell-Wyatt photo

Ruth Wyatt is a writer, wife, mother, and grandmother. She published her first work over 5 years ago, a memoir based on her family's ancestry. Entitled, The Saga of Katie Ruth. Ruth and her husband Nathanal, are retired and live in Bolingbrook, Illinois. Their most important pastime is spending hours with their off-springs, spoiling them. However, their favorite pasttime is traveling and relaxation. She spends her Sundays in church singing in worship, and in fellowship with other worshippers. Her greatest joy is in creative writing and having her readers delight in her creations, and strives to have them learn a life lesson from her work. When someone does learn some life lesson from her work, she is ecstatic.


Ruth Purnell-Wyatt

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