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"You are My Beloved" cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-4738-6
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Christianity,
    • Religion,
    • Scripture,
    • Devotional,
    • Inspirational,
    • Spiritual gifts,
    • Spiritual Growth

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"You are My Beloved"
Discovering the Grace in Identity & Original Design
by Wendy Landin

God says in His word that He made mankind in His image – that there is a reflection of God's heart, character, and uniqueness within each one of us. That beautiful reflection makes us wonderfully detailed and is called redemptive gifting. Our redemptive gifting is our original design, our hardwiring, our instinctive reactions, our personalized intuitiveness, and so much more. You Are My Beloved, a lovely, lyrical devotional, does not fully describe the gifts, as that would take volumes, but it addresses one aspect of each. It explores God's word to discover deeper revelations of our design as well as extending the invitation for greater intimacy with the Lord; to catch His breath and then catch ours. Exploring our fullest identity in Christ while steeping in the truth that You Are My Beloved.

Wendy Landin has walked intimately with Jesus as her Lord for over two decades. Years ago, she discovered that her greatest passion was cultivating spaces where people could encounter the living God and engage with the freedom He provides. This led to many ministries as well as entering the fitness industry to influence women in a safe, intimate environment that brings positive outcomes. Wendy is a speaker, personal trainer, M_ HYI and is the Canadian Shepherd/Soul Care provider for the Holy Yoga Foundation. Wendy lives in Innisfail, Alberta with her husband Kevin. They have two adult children, Steven and Brittney, and son-in-law, Mitchell. Her family is the greatest get-to of her life. God has the best ideas.


Wendy Landin

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