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Man on the Run I cover
  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-0310-8
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Espionage,
    • Concentration camp,
    • J. Edgar Hoover,
    • Nineteenth century,
    • Secret inheritance,
    • Kennedy assassination,
    • Jimmy Hoffa

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Man on the Run I
The Hildebrandt Dossier
by Baron Alexander Deschauer

Behind closed doors, the world’s most powerful men make decisions that turn the tides of history. They go to extraordinary lengths to get what they want, even if that means betraying one of their own. Now, a secret half a century old has come back to haunt Max Harding, who’s life is torn to pieces as he learns he is not at all who he thought he was. Backed by the resources of the CIA, he sets out to find the truth about what happened to his family. His investigation leads to some of the twentieth century’s most notorious figures, from Heinrich Himmler to Howard Hughes, and there’s no telling how deep the roots of conspiracy go. Despite their power, they soon find out that no amount of money can protect them from a man set on vengeance. Man on the Run: Volume I—The Hildebrandt Dossier sets the groundwork of history and characters that reverberate throughout the rest of the series. Each volume can be read on its own; together, they tell the saga of love, ambition, fate, and luck as it weaves between generations and characters.

Baron Alexander Deschauer was born in Winnipeg, Canada. He is married and currently lives in the Channel Islands. He is the author of the Man on the Run series, The Art of Wealth, Faust, Revelation, and The Concentration Camps of Canada.


Baron Alexander Deschauer

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