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Doctor, what is Cancer? cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-0959-9
    • 8.5 x 11.0 inches
    • Premium Color interior
    • 28 pages
  • Keywords
    • Cancer,
    • Illness,
    • Children,
    • Bunnies,
    • Hospitals,
    • Health,
    • Family

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Doctor, what is Cancer?
by Cassandra Gullia

Little bunny Ally is feeling sick. Her mommy and daddy take her to see Doctor Maggie. Doctor Maggie is very nice. She helps lots of children feel better. She tells Ally that she has Cancer. But what is cancer? Doctor Maggie explains what cancer is. She has a plan to help Ally feel better.

“There is a reason why many children have a fear of darkness. Not knowing what may be lurking out of sight is a frightening thought. I make it my goal to light up the shadows and help a child see what they couldn’t before.” - Cassandra Gullia

Cassandra currently directs the development of Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs that Physicians and other Allied Health Care Professionals are required to complete. They are educated on new advancements in medicine and can then apply their learning to their clinical practice. Cassandra believes there is a need for health education among children as well. It can be difficult to explain to a child health related topics. She hopes that she can help simplify these hard topics and frame them in a way that children can understand.


Cassandra Gullia

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