eBook Edition
- 978-1-4602-9511-3
- epub, mobi, pdf files
Paperback Edition
- 978-1-4602-9510-6
- 6.0 x 9.0 inches
- Black & White interior
- 72 pages
Hardcover Edition
- 978-1-4602-9509-0
- 6.0 x 9.0 inches
- Black & White interior
- 72 pages
- Keywords
- Myers-Briggs,
- personality test,
- extrovert/introvert,
- sensing/intuitive,
- thinking/feeling,
- judging/perceptive,
- Christian relationship
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Feeling like a fish out of water
Learning to use the Myers and Briggs Personality Profiling System & so much more in your families, churches and businesses
David Ahart
David and Diana Ahart have a passion to rescue relationships that are on the brink of failure. Corporations are losing millions of dollars, churches are splitting, single parents are struggling with children who are angry and hurt and husband's and wives are losing the love of their lives and giving up on their dreams because they do not understand the purpose and design of those who are in their lives. After reading and practicing this material management is going to change positions. People will be placed in departments where they will thrive, husband's and wives will no longer abuse the gift that God has given them. This material will bring revelation as to why Jesus sent the disciples out by two. With a starter and a finisher on the teams that were sent out, Jesus took 12 men and turned the world upside down. GET READY TO BE ON A WINNING TEAM... your destiny is about to change! Don't throw in the towel just yet Don't give up on your dreams I know you feel like a fish out of water But something good is about to happen...
Featuring a personal profile of John the Beloved.
With a heart of adventure and compassion, David has traveled to 25 countries to proclaim the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His passion is to teach others about themselves that they might understand who they are, their gifting and their passions that they fulfill their purposes and become who they were designed to be.
- Author
- David Ahart
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