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Aniya and The Power of A Positive Kid!
by Melissa West

Aniya & The Power of A Positive Kid is an enjoyable book for children teaching them the amazing benefits of being positive and feeling good. It goes in detail on a children's level, showing the effects of being positive verses being negative and the different outcomes you may encounter from both. Aniya & The Power of A Positive Kid is a great tool for teaching children "The Law of Attraction," at an early age.

Words from the Author on Aniya & the Power of A Positive Kid, and “The Law of Attraction:” So, how did Aniya & the Power of A Positive Kid come about? I had to take an early childhood course for my daycare center and had an assignment on creating a children’s book. I thought, if I was to create a book for the course, this would be my chance to represent my life’s passion and brand, Positive Kid’s Positive Futures Learning Academy Inc. Becoming an Author was always a dream of mine, in which, I also placed on a vision board years previous. So, I knew this was a nudge from the Universe. I ended up writing the book and then thought about who would draw the illustrations for me? I, myself, had no experience in this area so ended up asking the first person I saw that day, which was my assistant at the time. She told me her younger cousin could draw well and proceeded to give me her phone number. I ended up calling the number later that day and asked for her cousin and a lady on the phone stated, “Wrong number!” I then asked, “Are you related to my assistant and do you draw well?” She then stated, “No, I do not know your assistant but I am an Artist?” Come to find out the number I was given was incorrect and just one number off, I found out later. She then stated, “I have illustrated in the past but haven’t taken it serious in quite a while.” So now amazed, we began talking. The next day I sent her the manuscript through text messaging and she sent back amazing illustrations immediately matching the story to a “T!” Weeks later through our astonishing relationship now, we found out my daughter, who I named the book after and her, shared the same birth date! We were in “ah” and simply blown away! Thank you with all my heart, Tynicka “Tiny” Simpson and the Universe, for our heaven sent “Law of Attraction Story!” —Tynicka Simpson...A true miracle attracted...Thank you!

Melissa West photo

Melissa West, President & Owner of Positive Kid’s Positive Futures Learning Academy I & II As a young girl I was always determined to live my dreams and enjoy life. After high school I decided to further my education and go to college to pursue my degree in Business Administration with a concentrated effort in Operational Management: Management Information Systems. After I received my degree, I then started seeking out a better, more “feel good life,” for my daughter and myself. This led me to seeking out positive things like emerging myself into motivational speeches, seminars, self-growth books, and more positive people. That shift gave me the mental resources which helped me live a more positive life. After learning that being positive affects every aspect of your life including getting ahead in life, I began to ask myself a question, “How can I try and change the world in a way that benefits society?” The answer became clearer once the question shifted to, “What if I can help children at an early age learn how to have a richer life, through positive teachings and becoming better leaders?” That question ignited a pivotal change in my life. So, I decided to resign from my job at the time as a manager and start a home daycare and daycare center. I named them Positive Kids Positive Futures Learning Academy Inc. I & II, “Where How Your Child Starts Out Matters!” I Initialy started the academy in my home to test it and ultimately developed a love for it so added the center on as well. Over time, I saw children in my care truly grow from the positive teachings and great curriculum my staff and I instilled in them. This then motivated me to take it a step further and to move forward in becoming an Author by writing my first children’s book, “Aniya & The Power of A Positive Kid!” I hope you all enjoy!


Melissa West
Tynicka Simpson

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