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Treat Your Wife Like a Goddess cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-9132-0
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Marriage,
    • Gender roles,
    • Domestic abuse,
    • Happy relationships,
    • Men and women,
    • Respect,
    • Love

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Treat Your Wife Like a Goddess
by Dr. Lake Singh

Marriage is a divine institution founded upon sound tenets, principles and codes of conduct designed to enable couples to love each other until separated by death. Tabled here are many plausible or conceivable ideas that will not only restore these core values, but also prevent marriages from falling apart: • Extracting the best of both worlds, I borrowed extensively from the Orients—especially my ancestral Indian homeland—where the fundamentalism of marriage still produces the desired results. • I herein utilize my life sciences training to explain gendered differentiations, thereby establishing common grounds for couples to operate harmoniously. • Statistics show that many women succumb to severe brutality and death at the hands of their unscrupulous husbands, whose actions must be impugned or remedied. • When a man snuffs the life out of his wife, another man somewhere loses a daughter. How would that feel as a father? • I appeal to all males to examine their consciences and start treating their wives the way they want men treat their daughters. • This book focuses on men amending their incorrigible or embittered ways, which will definitely inject marital bliss into ailing marriages. • It embodies many time-tested tips that will surely help us achieve these noble ends.

IT IS GOD’S COMMAND UNTO MAN TO TREAT HIS WIFE LIKE A GODDESS ‘God first created man in His own image and likeness. But then He realized it is not a good idea for him to be alone. So He made an equally divine partner who was just right for man, enjoining or cautioning him to cherish her like a true goddess and be willing to die for her too, just as He died for His Church.’ —The Holy Bible

Dr. Lake Singh photo

An American scholar, Dr. Lake Singh is an Indo-Guyanese Canadian. Having completed Pre-medicine, he holds a B.A., B.Sc., and M.Sc. degree from Minnesota State University. He later went on to obtain the distinguished Research Doctorate in the field of Longevity Health Science. His love affairs with business saw him acquire an Associate Degree in Business Education. He was employed in the banking industries before moving on to real estate, which led him to study Real Estate Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Toronto. Dr. Singh research and literary ability came to light when he published his first book: The Joys of Death. This won him lots of acclaim and recognition—a scholarly and profound work that is today making its mark worldwide. Schooled under both the British and American systems, Dr. Singh has a remarkable flair and command of the English language. His prolific writing skills are coupled here with his deep spiritual, philosophical and scientific insights. Contact information: or 416-825-2700.


Dr. Lake Singh

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