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The Dolphin, The Sea, and Princess Annemarie cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-8475-9
    • epub, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Father Daughter story,
    • Children pictures sea,
    • Princess Annemarie,
    • Dolphin Knights quest,
    • Undersea Kingdoms,
    • Princess picture book,
    • Magic journey princess

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The Dolphin, The Sea, and Princess Annemarie
by Michael F. Corriere

All myths contain truth: truth about life, truth about love, truth about self-sacrifice and nobility. In this children's tale, a father attempts to answer a simple question posed to him by his young daughter. "Why do dolphins swim so close to people and the shore?" He answers by telling her a myth. A tale of four kingdoms that exist beneath the surface of the sea. A tale with dolphin knights, great white sharks, and a dangerous journey to find a beautiful princess. But in a deeper sense, he reveals something more: a universal truth; that kindness, compassion, and love, can overcome any disaster, and any sorrow. Her father reveals to her that magical powers exist within the hearts of all who are kind.

Michael F. Corriere practices law in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He has had the good fortune of spending time with his niece, a first grade student who loves adventure stories, Shark Week, and the sea. He has witnessed her artistic and imaginative spirit, her fondness for drawing and beautiful pictures, and her kind disposition. These qualities are what inspired him to create The Dolphin, the Sea, and Princess Annemarie.


Michael F. Corriere
Linda Metzgar

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